Monday, March 20, 2006

the march to health

scene 1: labour camp in inner mongolia.
Stasi officer: Genosse Sabourin, you have been sent to the health camp, your march towards recovery and a strengthening of the people's will is great, eat the people's soup! sleep on the people's hard cot.
Me: Ayeeeeeee! im in china because i have a cold?
Stasi dude: you have been enlisted for this month in the march to health, once you are healthy, you march. you march for miles. East the people's soup. your illness is a symptom of dissent, rectify immediate.
Me: Why put a sick person somewhere so cold and desolate?
Stasi : because the people said so!
Stasi: your flummockery is disheartening. I shall engage the the peoples bamboozling deflummoxing device.
Me: i've had it up to this high with your excessive bamboozlement. I need to regain my strength and fight your ferocious flummocking.
scene 2: Alles klar, herr komissar?
Stasi scientist: we need your mucus to run our new mind control network, there is to be no more bamboozlement or otherwise contrary behaviour by subordinates.
Me: Scrunchled
scientist: Do not gest, man-pig, your illness is for the good of the people. and the people are good.
me: but you're not the people
scientist: Its our job to be a force for greater evil
me: may i lie back then on the people;s hard cot?
scientist: Im sorry, that would not be EVIL enough. You will be berated by the people's annoying soft lion.

me: whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?
scientist: e'llo e'llo. whats this. you are the leader of the mucus hoardes, required for the defense of our nation

me: j'abandonne
stasi: we are making a propaganda film mit du, will you please to sign our extra-trippy shenaningan-frei release form.


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